Monday, March 26, 2007

Realism and Idealism 1

Someone has noticed that, "Optimists think the glass is half full. Pessimists think it's half empty. Realists know that if they stay around long enough they're going to have to wash the glass."
In art, realists paint life with blemishes, wrinkles, and scars. Idealists paint a subject as they imagine it could or should be.
On the road of life, both are important. Ideals give us direction. Realism gives us traction.
Both, however, have their downsides. Realism can cost us our dreams. Idealism can consume our days in a futile search for the perfect marriage, employment, or happiness.
Idealism and realism also show up in matters of faith. Some think of God as an obsessive, demanding parent who cannot be pleased. Others think of Him as an indulgent grandparent who is so endearing and compassionate that there is no reason to fear Him.
What do we think? Is God a realist or an idealist? It's a question that brings us to a busy intersection of ideas. If we aren't careful, we will run into traffic coming at us from either the right hand or the left.

1 comment:

Lancelot said...

Good stuff. I've been thinking a lot on the same lines, read this
and tell me what you think.